Yes, LORD, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you;
your name and renown are the desire of our hearts.
Isaiah 26:8
As always the Lord provides. He truly is Jehovah Jireh. Sometimes he provides just the opportunity for worry to arise, that we can learn to place our full trust in him.
My insurance is back up and running and with that the malaria meds are beginning to be taken! I spoke with World Vision headquarters today and they have finalized everything for me to visit my sponsor child, Melody, and her school and family on July 19th. What an answer to years of loving this sweet girl. I also cannot believe that although she was only 9 when I started sponsoring her, she will be 17 in September! It will be the last year I can sponsor her. What a blessing to be able to meet her, see her, hug her, and definitely cry with her.
Please continue to pray that all the cards and ALL supplies the team is carrying will arrive safely and nothing will be stolen as they pass through customs into South Africa and Zambia. Pray the Lord watches over them and brings everything safely to the hospital!
I spent yesterday in West Virginia with JA, my co-leader for the team, talking and planning for all that lies ahead. Bailey, another team member from last year, also joined us and it was an exciting time to anticipate and look forward for all that God has in store for us, for the team, and for Zambian. Everything is falling together- all these separated puzzle pieces the Lord has dealt us are finally beginning to look like a finished masterpiece. God always makes beautiful things out of our chaos and worry, he makes beautiful things out of us, out of dust. He takes the broken and bruised and left to die, and he restores, redeems, fills to an overflow with life abundant in his name. Praise him for that...we can never praise him enough, thank him enough, for his gift of life to us.
Tomorrow will be our last team conference call where we will all touch base and go over some last minute tips and then say our last group prayer before I head out on Monday afternoon for Tanzania. Pray the Lord will go before us and prepare the way for his word to be displayed and spoken through us. Pray he will continue to prepare our hearts, no matter what each one of us is dealing with, that we will let him have it all to be used for his glory.
Pray for these precious children of the King who will hear about and see his love for the first time in their lives. Pray we will be the hands and feet of Christ to each and every one of them...
His name and renown are the desires of our heart!
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