Thursday, November 26, 2009

How did I get involved with CURE?

Getting involved with CURE all started by the Lord`s will. After I attended a meeting for the nursing club at Virginia Tech I got a list of different nursing programs/missions offered worldwide. That night I spent an hour researching through the different programs and I came across one that sounded particularly interesting: CURE International. The next day I read through “about CURE” and“get involved” on the CURE website. Then I proceeded to look up different trips they had available next summer. When I came across the trip to Zambia I knew it was where I should go.

When I was 13 my mom and dad gave me a little girl from Zambia to sponsor through World Vision. Her name is Melody Muchimba and she is now 14 years old. She has always been so close to my heart, another sister. As soon as I saw Zambia on the trip list I was so excited. I have no plans in meeting sweet Melody but just being there and serving the Lord with her people will be such an amazing blessing.

So only two days after I applied for the trip, the Lord was beginning to show me how serious He was about me going. I told my mom about applying for the trip who later told my sister, Jo. And that’s where the crazy connections began to unravel. Immediately Joanna was like she applied where? To do what? Turns out the founder of CURE International was the CEO and President of Kirschner Medical who has now merged with Biomet. And Biomet is the company my brother-in-law works for. And on top of that one of the CURE headquarters is in Lamoyne, PA, about 30miles from their home. And as if there couldn’t be more, Jo knows more than a handful of people who serve with CURE long-term and who have gone on short-term trips. Hearing that really set everything in stone and the Lord just reassured me that His plan is perfect and He had everything under control.

It was only hours before I couldn’t even really tell my mom what I was going to do or why I was doing it. And then just at the right time the Lord assured me to go to Zambia. And sure enough, a couple weeks later they e-mailed me to tell me, “You’re Accepted!” So here I am on the road to raising support and getting excited as the trip gets closer! I am excited to keep you updated and tell you more about the trip whenever I can. Pray now for the kids in Zambia and nationwide that are being born with these disabilities and many of them are offered no hope. Pray they would know the hope that is found in Jesus Christ.

What I am doing this summer...

For me 2009 has been a year of learning and experiencing many new beginnings, and I am thankful for each of them. I finished my last year of high school and graduated in May! I spent my summer working at a coffee shop (It’s A Grind) and serving the Lord again in Germany and Switzerland. In August I began my freshman year of college at Virginia Tech. But above all of that I am so thankful to the Lord that this year has meant so much more than just going through those rites of passages. I am blessed to have seen the Lord work in the most amazing ways each day. At Virginia Tech I have watched the Lord do immeasurably more than I could ever ask or think, according to his power at work within me and other Christians (Ephesians 3:20). In simpler words I have spent most of my time studying of course! And then spending time with all the people God has placed in my path: my roommate Leah, hall-mates, bible study girls, my cousin Margaret, my aunt and uncle and their kids who live in Blacksburg, my language partner Atieh, friends from Bridges International, classmates, and so many more. I also have enjoyed Blacksburg because of the weather and the mountains. I enjoy every minute of hiking and biking I can fit in. But more than that I have loved spending time with God’s people. It has been both a challenge and a blessing to meet so many new friends and to build many different relationships. (Even just talking about life and faith and drinking coffee together) I have been blown away as the Lord has used my love for Him and His people to touch the lives of others and to mold my faith even more. He never ceases to humble me…

One of the ways the Lord has done that has been through a passage in Hosea (Hosea 2:14-20). The Lord expresses His love in a way that I had never seen before in The Bible. In my life the Lord has combined this message with the lives of those I have met this fall to teach me yet again about His eternal love; the love He has for His bride. “And I will betroth you unto me forever; yes, I will betroth you unto me in righteousness, and in justice, and in loving kindness, and in mercies" (Hosea 2:19). He has shown me that no matter what background we come from nor what struggles we go through, He pursues us just as hard. He loves us intimately, faithfully, and eternally. His love is deeper and richer than any love we can imagine or experience on earth. And the more I understand that truth the more I long to share it with others. I am so thankful for all the miracles He has done so far at Virginia Tech, and for all those yet to come!

This Thanksgiving I am blessed to be able to remember my dad’s health and rejoice in how the Lord has used his life to touch so many others. And I am so thankful for how the Lord used dad’s struggles to refine and challenge my faith. It was specifically through watching dad’s surgery, chemotherapy/radiation, and recovery that the Lord laid it on my heart to think about nursing as a career. After this first semester, I know it is what the Lord wants me to do. I look forward to being able to serve the Lord through using medicine to touch the lives of others both physically and spiritually. Because of this the Lord has also opened the door for me to possibly transfer schools next fall and to follow my passion to become a nurse. The Lord prepared the way for me at Virginia Tech and I know that He will continue to do that wherever I end up serving Him next fall.

With all that said, I am writing to tell you about the door the Lord has opened for me next summer. I applied for several different mission trips through CURE International before the Lord narrowed it down to just one. Next summer in early July I will be serving in Lusaka, Zambia. CURE International is about transforming the lives of disabled children and their families in the developing world through medical and spiritual healing, serving all by establishing specialty teaching hospitals, building partnerships and advocating for these children. I am so excited to be able to use my love for the Lord and His people to serve the children and their families in Lusaka. While I am there I will be responsible for helping lead vacation bible school for the kids in the hospital as well as be a full time medical assistant for the doctors and nurses. Ultimately the goal of CURE and the short-term trips are to bring the encouragement of Jesus` love and healing to these hurting kids and their families.

Serving with CURE this summer in Zambia will cost $4050, which includes my airfare, food, and housing expenses. This is my online blog where I will keep you update about how the trip preparation is coming as well as where I am with finances. Through the blog you will also be able to access my CURE account where you can electronically add donations at any time. Also through my blog you can read more about what’s going on in my life and how I got involved with CURE. So please follow my blog throughout this year and even after the trip to hear about all the Lord is doing in Zambia!

I am so thankful for yet another opportunity to serve the Lord abroad and I am so thankful for you! Your prayers and support have brought so many joys into my life, as well as the gospel to many hearts! I could not participate in any of these ministries apart from your love, prayers, and support. I am praying and asking now that you may be able to partner with me again in bringing Jesus` love to the nations. May the Lord bless you and may you give thanks because He is worthy!

1 Chronicles 16:8-9

Give thanks to the LORD and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done. Sing to him; yes, sing his praises. Tell everyone about his miracles!

In Christ,
