Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Abundant Blessings

Well first of all I couldn`t refrain from using this photo for this post. It cracks me up every time I see it and it fit the update so perfectly. I am still shocked that Lord has provided all my money, yet of course in his goodness and mercy over my life he doesn`t stop there. As I said earlier our team was asked this summer to bring toothbrushes, toothpaste, and any old eye-glasses we could gather. I have already had several people, friends, my eye-doctor brother, and my church donate these things and more and more are coming in. Yesterday someone asked, "are you worried you won`t have enough room to pack clothes and personal items?" And I respectfully and joyfully said Nope, not at all. I guess I will be wearing the same outfit every day, fine by me :) But really it is such a blessing to see the Lord providing far and above what I could ever ask or think. And it is so encouraging when I am praying about Zambia that God would do far more abundantly than any of us think or ask, while seeing him doing that now. Anyways here is a more detailed list of things we recently were asked to bring if we can:
-Old eye glasses
-Colored paper
-Hard Candy
-Small toys to use as gifts

We also have our detailed schedule now of what we will be doing daily while we are there. I am going to post it here so everyone will know "flexibly" what we will be doing the whole time we are there!


Thursday, July 22

9:00pm Arrive in Lusaka. Check in at the CURE

Team house and rest.

Friday, July 23

7:30am Hospital devotions (team introduced to staff)

9:00am Team meeting

10:00am Orientation at the hospital

11:30 Ministry Opportunities

1:00pm Lunch at the hospital

1:30pm Ministry Opportunities at hospital

5:00pm Trip to the grocery store

7:00pm Dinner at restaurant

Saturday, July 24

Rest up :>

10:30-2:00: recreation time and lunch with staff and


Preparations/packing for the rural outreach

Spectators at the afternoon staff football

(soccer) match

Dinner with a hospital staff member

Team meeting

Sunday, July 25

7:30am Breakfast

7:50am Leave for Church

We will attend a Zambian Church service.

10:30am Craft Market and Lunch at

local restaurants

4:30pm Back to the house

6:00pm Dinner and team meeting

Monday July 26

7:00am Meet the Zambian ministry team and depart,

riding many hours on a crowded bus down dusty,

bumpy roads to a rural village. There will be no

modern conveniences. It will be taxing emotionally,

socially and spiritually.

(Monday-Friday, July 26-30)

Each team member will:

Serve as needed when setting up tents,

preparing meals…

Visit many Zambian homes to share

culturally and spiritually. It’s common to walk 2

miles each day and encounter extreme poverty,

spiritual warfare and difficult cultural differences

(i.e.: polygamy).

Assist in the afternoons with various areas,

such as clinic, singles group, marriage ministry

and children’s ministry. We need team members

ready for children’s programs.

Evenings will be spent either showing the Jesus

Film or sitting by the fire with Zambian friends

sharing life and learning from one another.

This is an amazing opportunity and life changing


Fri. pm – Mon. am, Jul.30-Aug2

Friday evening the team will travel back to

Lusaka for the night and then depart Saturday

morning for Recreation Days at Vicotria Falls.

Depart for Lusaka and back to the hospital by

noon Monday.

Tuesday - Thursday, Aug 3-5

7:30am Hospital devotions (optional)

9:00am Team meeting

10:00am Ministry Opportunities

1:00pm Lunch at the hospital

1:30pm Ministry Opportunities at hospital

7:00pm Dinner at the house maybe with Zambians

Friday, August 6 (I will be leaving on my own on August 5th, a day early, to be home by the 6th for my sister`s rehearsal dinner for her wedding)

Depart from the hospital to the airport and head

home to raise awareness and raise awareness and raise

funds to help sponsor surgeries for children still waiting for a CURE.

Please join me in praying now for each of my team members and myself as we prepare to serve exactly as Christ is calling us.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Well everyone, myself and anyone reading, I can`t find words to explain how blessed I am to tell you right now that my trip to Zambia has been fully funded! There were so many times since way back in November when I was accepted that I really didn`t know how the Lord would provide $4,000 to be a part of this trip. But, He did. My God is greater, bigger, more powerful, more sufficient, more omnipotent than I will ever imagine. Whether it is the small details of my life or the big mountains I climb, He is greater.
Even though fundraising is over, I don`t "feel" done. The cost of the trip and my flight have been paid I have to save money from LOTS of working and nannying to pay for my own expenses. But I believe it is a gift that there are so many things in my heart and mind that don`t "feel" done. There is still so much praying, preparing, and meditating to be done. And I know even the day I step onto that plane, I won`t "feel" ready. But I will trust as I am now that the Lord is going before me, and will go with me. I am praying that He prepares my heart, mind, body, and soul to serve as He wills and to love as His hands and feet in Zambia and as we travel. Join me in remembering how I am praying and preparing my heart, and please pray with me!

1. Our team is filled with hearts of fasting and prayer in community (Acts 13:3)
2. We are sent out in the Holy Spirit (Acts 13:4)
3. God prepares us in the word to proclaim the gospel (Acts 13:5)
4. God provides “Sergius`” in Zambia to hear the word and believe! (Acts 13:7-12)
5. God protects us from evil and distractions (Acts 13:10)
6. God gives us the strength and endurance to stand for him (Acts 13:16)
7. God does a work in Zambia that you (and I) won`t even believe when told (Acts 13:41)

Praise God for his abundant provision in our weakest and strongest moments.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Thank You!

Thank you thank you everyone who showed up for the car wash...especially our magnificent and glorious God who is just so good to us. I cannot even fathom his greatness and mercy over our disastrous lives. "And such were some of us, but we were washed, we were sanctified, and we were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." 1 Cor 6:11

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Finally a date, time, AND place for the car wash! Because both my friend Courtney and I didn`t get many who were excited to do a car wash we are going to do one together! She is headed to Australia with an organization called Teen Mania next week for 3 weeks on a mission trip.
So...THIS friday June 4th from 9am-1pm we will be doing a free fundraising car wash at the Mobil at Clarkson and Baxter. Here is the Facebook page with all the details. If you have questions/comments write them here or call me: 636-346-9301. Please come by for a car wash, or to help us out anytime between 9-1 on Friday!