God do a work in Zambia that people won`t even believe when told (Acts 13:41)
"Jesus Christ come and reign over the people and hearts and souls of Zambia. Jesus bring your healing and restoration to each and every soul. Let your name be heard among all ears, deaf and open alike. Let your name be made famous in the lives of believers all over that country. In every bush. In every city. Along the dirt roads. In and through the land you have created for them to dwell. God you are the God of each and every life you created. God you long for each of these people to know you personally and intimately. May it be so by your power and grace over us. Lord overwhelm Melody and her family with the comfort and riches of your love! Let it fill them up and overflow out of their lives into the lives of others all around them. God make Cure strong and bless the fruits of their labor. Let them be the hands and feet of the spiritual healing you long for throughout Zambia. May all and every work be done to bring you glory. Be made famous through us, through our weakness."
New News...JA is leading the trip to Zambia this summer! He will be an incredible leader, and his faith and trust in God will bring beautiful things to the vision and mission of the GO Team. I am incredibly excited to see all that God does in and through him, through the other team members and all those in Zambia who will hear the name of Jesus! I know His plans are incomprehensible to us all, even me, after being there once. He never ceases to amaze us. He never ceases to work intricately and awe inspiringly.
And so the door swings open. I am praying through the process of possibly joining the GO Team this summer as well. But there is much time and prayer to happen before. For now I am filling my desire to go with heart crying prayers lifted up for those people, for those I love so dearly, even those I don`t know. I desire more than anything that they would know and seek Christ on their knees and face, desperate for more of him. I pray their souls will be consumed with longing for him at all times!
Lord may your will be done in my life and in this world...
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