"You took my arm and healed me
Though I didn’t know it was you
You bent down and fed me
Though I didn’t know it was you
You saw me in the wilderness-
in the land of drought
Though I didn’t know it was you
You provided for me everyday
Though I didn’t know it was you
You led every step of the way
Though I didn’t know it was you
You longed for me
Though I didn`t know it was you"
I wrote those words last year while sitting in the dust of Zambia, listening to utter silence, watching the sunset before me. I read them now and they speak even louder and even sweeter. As I wrote them my heart and mind were singing praise to the God who loves me, the God who chose me, even in my shame and sin. Now I see that this is the God, not only for me, but for all of humanity. I see how He is that God for Blacksburg, for the lost in my life, for Zambia, the poorest people living in the bush, for the president, for the suffering of the Japanese people. It is WHO HE IS and that doesn`t change from person to person. He is real and alive eternally.
Following His call through the word to GO, to give up this life, to lose this life, is so exciting. Palmer said it best in his words, "God’s people are at their best when they’re giving themselves away." Spot on. I am most joyful, when Jesus is the absolute of my joy. I don`t know where the Lord will take me in the future, or with nursing, but I know there is reason why He is using Cure as a stepping stone to that plan and I am excited for His greater plan. I trust Him and it is a joy to give up my life to walk steadfastly on His paths. Ultimately I am longing for heaven, longing to be with my Jesus! But until then I will praise Him, I will live out this life so that others will see, others will hear, and others will know that He is God and glorify Him!!
So I am headed back home this summer, to zambia. And my prayer is that many there will know Jesus and so be headed home to an eternity with HIM! That the will realize He is the Cure not only to their physical needs, but to their spiritual depravity!
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