Paul and Marinette van Coller, founders of
The Zambia Project, visited a church here in Blacksburg over the weekend. It was incredible to hear the way God is moving in western Zambia through the Gospel and also humanitarian efforts to: provide homes for orphans, feed the malnourished, heal the sick, support the poor, teach harvesting techniques, etc. Both Paul and Marinette shared stories of the salvation of hundreds of villagers at a time, men women and children who had
never heard the name of Jesus before. It reminded me of our trip to Zambia in so many ways. I teared up constantly as they told us about what God is doing there, and how privileged they see themselves to be a part of it! What beautiful hearts for the Gospel to be known among the nations.
They also shared with us, very similar to at the CURE hospital, that mothers of the sick or malnourished babies spend their time making
Hope Art, which the project then sells to bring in income for the mothers.
"People that care buy and sell this unique handcrafted jewelry and all net profits from 'Hope Art' are invested in the Village of Hope' that provides food, education and healthcare to kids in need. God has given us a huge burden for the growing number of orphans in Western Zambia. The lives of these women have changed dramatically through a sense of self-worth and purpose. Many orphans are now being care for and their extended families uplifted, thereby benefiting the community as a whole."
The needs in this area of the Zambezi flood plain in western Zambia are great. If you feel God calling you to join a ministry like Cure or The Zambia Project, don`t just keep living and neglecting his call. Get involved now through prayer, financial support, or even going. I promise God will radically deepen your faith and open your eyes to a world you didn`t even know existed. The needs are great...and that is why God calls us to be his empty vessels so the Holy Spirit can work through us to reach these people and provide t
hem with life abundantly through Jesus Christ.
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