This post is long overdue...but so fresh in my heart. After being able to attend Urbana 2009 the Lord has revealed so many things. It was absolutely breath-taking to be able to worship with 20,000 college students, many of which were international students. It was even more amazing to be able to worship in other languages: arabic, spanish, afrikan, and through dance and theatre. Urbana 2009 allowed me to see the world from God`s perspective in a way that I never have. I am so grateful for where I have grown up and the family I have been blessed with. But it has become so evident in my walk with the Lord that I am not meant for here. There is no doubt that after college I want to spend my life on the mission field. Where that is? I don`t have the answer yet...but the Lord is faithful and as He opens doors I`ve made a promise to say yes to going.
Specifically a talk given by Oscar Muriu impacted me the most. I have posted the link to it so you can go and listen on your own...but I will share it in a few points. Oscar began by describing who he would have made Jesus to be if he were God. And then proceeded to explain who Jesus was...and how opposite it was of anything we would have ever thought. Specifically how Jesus went from 1. Pride to Humility 2. Power to Powerlessness 3. Privilege to Poverty 4. Harmony and Unity to Brokenness and Disfunction.
The God of the universe sent Jesus from those places of Holiness and Peace to a place of unrighteousness and chaos. Jesus did that...He did it so we could visually see and understand who God is and the love He has for each of us. Oscar proceeded to explain that we hardly ever think of anything besides Jesus birth and then his ministry. We neglect to realize that Jesus spent 30 years of his life being in his culture. He learned the language, the culture, the customs, he visited others in their homes, he integrated himself. For 30 years he never stood out-he was just another guy. I really believe that if Jesus laid out that foundation for us then we should be following it. I know that I am called to be Jesus in that way. Some people are gifted to do other things for the work and will of the Lord but I know that I am called to be His literal hands and feet in another place. And I cannot wait for Him to reveal my "Holy Ambition" as Piper called it at Passion 2010.
From the website with Oscar`s talk you can also access all the talks, testimonies, and worship from Urbana 2009...and I really encourage you to check it out!
Take 5 minutes now to pray for the people of Haiti who are suffering from yet another quake today. Pray the Lord be made known to them and through them.